Luewton Agostinho and Ronaldo Novaes Ferreira (Stenden/VHI) would like to invite you for a final presentation and official closing ceremony of the WatMin project. This will be on the 29th of October, Friday, from 13h until 15h in the NL time, or from 8h until 10h in Brasília time: link to the invitation.
The WatMin project was UNIQUE in many different aspects. Here some few aspects:
o It combined Dutch and Brazilian companies and universities using a hbo format for the first time.
o It covered a very important topic linked to the big River Doce basin disaster.
o It presented quite some financial challenges combining contributions from two different countries,
o And (last but not least) it was conducted, in its good part, within COVID19 crisis.
Even with all these challenges, it is possible to say that all the objectives were accomplished. And that this first experience was very positive.
We hope that WatMin was just the first step of many others which will follow and will provide good cooperation between Brazil and The Netherlands involving hbo institutes. Partners: HZ university of Applied Sciences, Cenibra, Berghof, NHL Stenden, SENAI and UFV, made possible by SIA and FAPEMIG.
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